Monday, 28 September 2020

APIMiner - The API Logger for Malwares - The Fast Way To Identifying Malwares


Direct Download Link for Latest Release of APIMiner:

One of the biggest issues we have always faced is the availability of a stable API logger tool for Windows applications that can be used to analyze malware samples, that not only traces the Win32 APIs used by the parent process, but all its child processes as well. The real option that we have seen is Cuckoo Sandbox, but using Cuckoo Sandbox is unwieldy in a way, some of the reasons being,

  1. Have seen enough people try to install Cuckoo Sandbox and fail at some step.
  2. Practical deployments requires a separate Virtual Machine for installing and using Cuckoo Sandbox.
  3. Unwieldy! As malware analysts and reverse engineer you don't want to waste time just to bring up a separate VM just to log APIs for a sample.

Now point (3) above is the most important one. As malware analysts I am pretty sure we already have our own Windows Analysis VMs which we have already setup with various tools. Why can't we run an API logger inside our existing Analysis VM? Why install another separate VM to generate API logs? This requirement became even more profound when we were writing our book Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering where we found the lack of any such tool stifling and we wanted to do something to drastically improve malware analysis and reversing speed.

And to solve all these issues we devised APIMiner. No extra VM required. Take your existing Malware Analysis VM, and run APIMiner from the command prompt to log APIs used by your malware sample. Super fast, easy and no complex setup!

You can download the zip file for the latest release(release-v1.0.0) of APIMiner from The zip file from the release contains a README on how to install the tool and set it up. Currently it requires a config file apiminer_config.txt, but in a new release we will get rid of that and make things even more simpler. Also make sure you have added the APIMiner.exe to the PATH environment variable.

Test Drive

Enuf Talk! Below is a simple sample C code which that does two things - allocates a memory chunk of 4096 bytes using VirtualAlloc() Win32 API and then changes the page permissions of this memory block using VirtualProtect() Win32 API.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <windows.h>

int main()
    void *addr;
    void *base;
    BOOL v;

    DWORD old;

    base = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 4096,
                        MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, 

    printf("Received base from VirtualAlloc: %x\n", base);

    v = VirtualProtect(base, 4096, PAGE_READONLY, &old);

    printf("VirtualProtect: %s\n",
           (v != 0) ? "Success" : "Failure");
    return 0;

The above C code has been compiled into an executable test_virtualalloc.exe which we will now execute using APIMiner from the command prompt as seen below.

Running the above command generates API log files having the apiminer_traces prefixes in their filenames in the log folder whose path you have specified in apiminer_config.txt. If you investigate these API trace files you will notice two APIs - NtAllocateVirtualMemory and NtProtectVirtualMemory which are the NTAPI variants of the APIS VirtualAlloc and VirtualProtect used by our above sample. Fast and easy!

Using APIMiner you can log the APIs used by any Windows executable. We have covered this tool extensively in our new book Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering, a 900+ comprehensive hands-on guide on Malware Analysis, Malware Reverse Engineering and Detection Engineering, published by Apress and available on the Springer Network. In this book we have explained various tricks that you can use in combination with our APIMiner tool to quickly analyze the behaviour of a sample and ascertain if it is a malware or not.

1 comment:

  1. Really good tool and thanks for making it free. I was always looking for something like this. I used to use Nttrace but it doesn't trace child processes. And the APIMonitor, but it is buggy and also is not free. Loving it so far. And the text file for API logs is great. I don't need any fancy processing to process the logs. And no more separate VM infra to run an API logger like the full Cuckoo setup. Loving it so far. Great job guys. And also ordered your book from Amazon. Looking forward to reading it.
